AbstruckIn this paper, we investigate the effect of timing approach computes the probability density function (PDF) offset on the performance of MDFE (multi-level decision of the residual IS1 that arises due to mis-equalization and feedback equalization) and PR-W (partial response with timing offset. This PDF is in turn used to compute the er-Viterbi detection) detectors, in magnetic recording applica-ror event rate to quantify the detection performance in the level DFE (MDFE) and class-IV partial response (pR4-formance using error event rate as a measure. The main step in this evaluation is the computation of the probability density function of residual IS1 (inter-symbol interference) aris-VD) schemes for OUT study. mFEy and its advanced ing from mis-equakation and timing offset. The resulting sions, are excellent detectors for (1,7)-coded recording performance curves are compared with those obtained from channels, in particular, at high densities [6], [7]. From the simulations. The detection performance due to steady-state family of partial response schemes, we chose the partial phase jitter is also evaluated. The results show that MDFE is response 1 -9 (D denotes one bit delay operator) for our better than PR-VD in terms of timing sensitivity. study since it is one of the most studied detection schemes [SI. Nevertheless, our approach can be extended to the Equalizer, data-detector and timing recovery circuits are The Paper is organized as follows. The channel models the three most important blocks that constitute the read-of MDFE and PR4-VD are briefly explained in Section 11. channel of a magnetic recording system. Usually, the The detection Performance of MDFE in the Presence of equalization and detection parts receive lot of attention static timing offset and phase jitter is investigated in Secfrom researchers. However, with the steady increase in tion 111. The detection Performance of PR4-VD in the &&rates and recording densities, timing recovery has presence Of static timing offset is investigated in Section become crucial for reliable data recovery. Even though the Iv. The Paper is concluded in Section v. timing jitter during the tracking mode can be made small tion% We analytical approaches to evaluate the per-presence oftiming offset. In particular, we consider multi-