Čerenkov radiation is a fascinating optical signal, which has been exploited for unique diagnostic biological sensing and imaging, with significantly expanded use just in the last half decade. Čerenkov Luminescence Imaging (CLI) has desirable capabilities for niche applications, using specially designed measurement systems that report on radiation distributions, radiotracer and nanoparticle concentrations, and are directly applied to procedures such as medicine assessment, endoscopy, surgery, quality assurance and dosimetry. When compared to the other imaging tools such as PET and SPECT, CLI can have the key advantage of lower cost, higher throughput and lower imaging time. CLI can also provide imaging and dosimetry information from both radioisotopes and linear accelerator irradiation. The relatively short range of optical photon transport in tissue means that direct Čerenkov luminescence imaging is restricted to small animals or near surface human use. Use of Čerenkov-excitation for additional molecular probes, is now emerging as a key tool for biosensing or radiosensitization. This review evaluates these new improvements in CLI for both medical value and biological insight. References and links 1. P. Čerenkov, "Visible radiation produced by electrons moving in a medium with velocities exceeding the of light," Phys. Rev. 52(4), 378-379 (1937). 2. P. Čerenkov, "Visible Emission of Člean Liquids by Action of $\gamma$ Radiation," Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 2, 451-454 (1934). 3. R. H. Elrick and R. P. Parker, "The use of Cerenkov radiation in the measurement of beta-emitting radionuclides," Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 19(3), 263-271 (1968). 4. M. K. Johnson, "Counting of Čerenkov radiation from 32P in nonaqueous media," Anal. Biochem. 29(2), 348-350 (1969). 5. F. L. Hoch, R. A. Kuras, and J. D. Jones, "Iodine analysis of biological samples by neutron activation of 127-I, with scintillation counting of Čerenkov radiation," Anal. Biochem. 40(1), 86-94 (1971). 6. G. Bosia, C. Castagnoli, M. Dardo, and G. Marangoni, "Observation of structure in Čerenkov pulses from extensive air showers using fast techniques," Nature 225(5232), 532-533 (1970). 7. W. C. Haxton, "Salty water Čerenkov detectors for solar neutrinos," Phys. Rev. Lett. 76(10), 1562-1565 (1996). Chen, "PET and NIR optical imaging using self-illuminating (64)Cu-doped chelator-free gold nanoclusters," Biomaterials 35(37), 9868-9876 (2014). 72.