Abstract. Calibration of in situ analysers of air pollutants is usually done with dry standards. In this paper, the influence of environmental humidity on benzene measurements by gas chromatography coupled with a photo ionisation detector (GC-PID) is studied. Two identical chromatographs were calibrated for benzene with dry gases and subjected to measure reference standards with humidity (20 % and 80 % at 20 ºC). When measuring a concentration of 0.5 µg/m3 benzene in air, the levels of humidity tested did not produce any significant interference in measurements taken with any of the analysers. However, when measuring a concentration of 40 µg/m3, biases in measurements of 18 % and 21 % for each analyser, respectively, were obtained when the relative humidity of the sample was 80 % at 20 ºC. Further tests were carried out to study the nature of this interference. Results show that humidity interference depends on both the amount fractions of water vapour and benzene. If benzene concentrations in an area are close to its annual limit value (5 µg/m3), biases of 2.2 % can be expected when the absolute humidity is 8.6 g/cm3 –corresponding to a relative humidity of 50 % at 20 ºC-. This can be accounted for in the uncertainty budget of measurements with no need for corrections. If benzene concentrations are above the annual limit value, biases become higher. Thus, in these cases, actions should be taken to reduce the humidity interference, as an underestimation of benzene concentrations may cause a mismanagement of air quality in these situations.