We have designed and fabricated a superconducting microstrip antenna operating at 38 GHz after we patterned a YBa,Cu,O, thin film epitaxially grown on (100) MgO substrate by laser ablation. The experimental performance of this superconducting antenna was measured in a homemade vacuum setup and compared to a similar silver antenna. Measurements show eficiency improvement of the superconducting antenna oc'er the silver one ABSTRACT A transmission-line-mattix (TLM) node equiualent. the TLM-based jinite-difference-time-domain IFDTD) method, has been recently propo.red to allow the simulation of electromagnetic fields in a FDTD fashion. As a result, modeling and simulation techniques deidoped for the conrxntional FDTD scheme can be directly implemented into the TLM-based algorithm. In this article the nonlinear modeling scheme acconiplished with a Z transfom is adapted and implemented in the proposed TLM-based FDTD method, to simulate the electromagnetic behaL,iors in optical media with nonlinear polarization, such as Kerr and Raman effects. Numerical results are presented for one-dimensional calculation of propagation of femtosecond electromagneric solitons that retain the optical carriers. The results are in good agreemeni with those obtained from the conuentional FDTD simulation. In conclusion. thr TLM-based FDTD method is found fo be robust undfiexible in 2D and 3D modeling. 0 1996 John Wley & Sons, Inc.