A separate liquid argon preshower detector consisting of two l a y ers featuring a ne granularity of 2.5 10 3 was studied by the RD3 collaboration. A prototype covering approximately 0.8 in pseudo-rapidity and 9 degrees in azimuth was built and tested at CERN in July 94. CMOS and GaAs VLSI preampli ers were designed and tested for this occasion. The combined response of this detector and an accordion electromagnetic calorimeter prototype to muons, electrons and photons is presented. For minimum ionizing tracks a signal-to-noise ratio of 4.5 per preshower layer was measured. Above 150 GeV the space resolution for electrons is better than 250 m in both directions. The precision on the electromagnetic shower direction, determined together with the calorimeter, is better than 4 mrad above 50 GeV. It is concluded that the preshower detector would adequately ful l its role for future operation at CERN Large Hadron Collider.