Ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula) is a popular warm-season vegetable that may be grown commercially from seeds. It has a high water and nutrient content, as well as protein, fat, carbs, minerals, and vitamins. Ridge gourd blooms are hermaphrodite, andromonoecious, and gynoecious. The gelatinous chemical Luffein is found in the genus Luffa, which is derived from the word 'loofah', which is utilised in bathing sponges, scrubbing pads, doormats, and pillows. Therefore, the present investigation was carried out at the Horticulture Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh during the Kharif season 2022-2023 to check performance of different genotypes of ridge gourd under Prayagraj agro climatic conditions. The experiment was laid in Randomized block design with 9 genotypes and 3 replications. Genotypes were comprised of H1 (AVT-II 2019/RIGHYB-1), H2 (AVT-II 2019/RIGHYB-2), H3 (AVT-II 2019/RIGHYB-3), H4 (AVT-II 2019/RIGHYB-4), H5 (AVT-II 2019/RIGHYB-5), H6 (AVT-II 2019/RIGHYB-6), H7 (AVT-II 2019/RIGHYB-7), H8 (GREEN INDIA-8) and H9 (JAIPURI LONG-9). From the experimental finding it was concluded that the genotype AVT-II 2019/RIGHYB-7 performed best in terms of growth parameters like vine length (269.93 cm), earliness in maturity (59.33 days for first fruit picking) and yield parameters like fruit length (25.23 cm), fruit girth (6.56 cm), and fruit yield per plot (1422.21 g/plot). AVT-II 2019/RIGHYB-7 showed best performance for quality parameters also TSS (4.23°Brix) and Vitamin C content (2.05 mg/100g).