How would you……describe the overall signifi cance of this paper?The overall signifi cance of this paper is to increase the energy effi ciency, sustainability and applicability of sliding systems by improving the surface properties. This article focuses on development of selflubricating materials with superior surface properties for reduced friction and wear applications.…describe this work to a materials science and engineering professional with no experience in your technical specialty? This article mainly focuses on developing a novel alumina based composite which improves the energy effi ciency of a sliding system. The surface properties of the composites were improved by in-situ forming inter-metallic compounds. These phases are stable at higher temperatures. These in-situ phases have hexagonal crystal structure that contributes to low friction due to lower shear in the basal plane. …describe this work to a layperson? Friction plays an important role in daily life such as walking, skiing, writing, vehicles travelling on roads, other applications such as automobile engines, biomedicine, etc. which involve moving parts. It directly infl uences the performance and service life of a system. Development of a new class of materials with superior surface properties will improve the energy effi ciency and endurance which will result in low maintenance costs and prolonged service life. Friction, wear, and lubrication have direct infl uence on performance, reliability, and service life of devices that contain moving components. These are universal in applications of energy conversion, power generation, energy harvesting in the broader fi elds such as agriculture, transportation, drug delivery, and bioengineering. The useful life of these systems and their energy efficiency can be improved by improving the surface properties (performances) of sliding systems. Further, the applications of sliding systems are limited in extreme environments such as high temperature and space application etc. due to their limited surface properties. Therefore, development of a new class of materials with superior surface properties will improve the energy effi ciency, sustainability, and applicability. This paper focuses on development of self-lubricating materials with superior surface properties for reduced friction and wear applications.