Currently, fish farming activities are carried out not only to meet people's consumption needs, but many farmers also use the waters to cultivate ornamental shrimp, one of which is the freshwater ornamental shrimp type Neocaridina. This research was conducted in Gunung Mulya Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency. This research aims to determine innovation and technical cultivation as well as the feasibility of cultivating freshwater ornamental shrimp of the Neocaridina type in Gunung Mulya Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency, which includes identifying costs, revenues, profits, and business feasibility. The research method used in data collection is quantitative methods to identify costs, revenues, profits, and business feasibility, which aim to determine whether or not the freshwater ornamental shrimp cultivation business in Gunung Mulya village, Tenjolaya subdistrict, Bogor Regency, is feasible to run. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was concluded that cultivating freshwater ornamental shrimp of the Neocaridina type in Gunung Mulya village, Tenjolaya subdistrict, Bogor Regency, was profitable, with the total profit obtained in 1 production cycle being IDR. 15,413,334. The financial aspects of business feasibility indicators obtained show an R/C ratio of 2.60 and a B/C ratio of 1.60. Thus, the freshwater ornamental shrimp cultivation business in Gunung Mulya Village, Tenjolaya subdistrict, Bogor Regency, is feasible. This research provides insight into the techniques and innovations used in cultivating Neocaridina ornamental shrimp.