Guidelines of the 2 nd Meeting of The Diabetes and Pregnancy Task Force.Clinical guidelines for the management of gestational and pre-gestational diabetes were prepared by the Diabetes and Pregnancy Task Force, during the XI Brazilian Diabetes Congress, held in 1997. A new meeting was held in 2001 to revise recommendations for screening, diagnosis and management of gestational diabetes, based on the new evidences generated on these issues. Universal screening of pregnant women is advised beginning at the 20 th week of gestation, using fasting plasma glucose. Cut points of 85mg/dl or 90mg/dl are used to classify a positive screening. A 75g oral glucose tolerance test is performed if the screening test is positive. The diagnostic cut points suggested to define glucose alterations are a fasting plasma glucose ≥110mg/dl or a 2h plasma glucose ≥140mg/dl. Endocrine and obstetric management of gestational diabetes as well as a review on pre-gestational diabetes management are also presented.