There is a variety of anatomical deformities of the posterior pelvic compartment that associate functional disorders of the anorectum. The most common are: anterior rectocele, internal rectal prolapse (recto-anal intussusception), sigmoidcele and enterocele and overt rectal prolapse. There are a number of procedures employed in the treatment of mentioned disorders. One of them is laparoscopic prosthesis ventral colpo-rectopexy. Current evidence on this procedure is rather limited, because quality of studies is of low level and comparative trials are very few. Nevertheless, it is well documented that this procedure for mentioned is a safe procedure with very low morbidity, one death reported so far, and low conversion-to-open approach rate. Complications associated with the synthetic prosthesis (erosion or sepsis) are rare, and use of biological mesh does not seem to offer any advantage. Conversion is very low and usually as a result of previous pelvic surgery. The pro ce dure is safe with low mor bid ity, short hos pital stay and very low re cur rence rate of overt rec tal pro lapse. Func tional out comes, namely con sti pa tion, ob structed def e ca tion syn drome, in con ti nence and sex ual dys func tion de crease in rates postoperatively IN TRO DUC TION