Let Ᏺ be some class of finite groups. Following Shlöpkin [3], we say that a periodic group G is satu rated with groups from Ᏺ, if every finite subgroup H ≤ G is contained in a subgroup which is isomorphic to some group of Ᏺ.It has been proved in [4] that a periodic group sat urated with finite simple groups L 2 (q), is isomorphic to a group L 2 (Q) for some locally finite field Q. We gener alize this result as follows.Theorem 1. Let m be a non negative integer and ᑨ a set of finite groups isomorphic to E × L, where E is ele mentary abelian 2 group of order at most 2 m , and L Ӎ L 2 (q) for some q.Suppose G is a periodic group every finite subgroup of even order of which is contained in a subgroup isomor phic to a group from ᑨ.
If G possesses an element of order 4 or a subgroupisomorphic to the alternating group of power 4, then G is isomorphic to direct product of elementary abelian group of order at most 2 m and group L 2 (Q) for some locally finite field Q. In particular G is locally finite.
2.If m ≤ 1 then either conclusion of item 1 of the the orem is true or m = 1 and G is non locally finite simple group Sylow 2 subgroup of which is elementary abelian, all involutions of G are conjugates and centralizer in G of any of them is isomorphic to direct product of a group of order 2 and a group L 2 (Q) where Q is an infinite locally finite field of characteristic 2, whose multiplicative group does not possess elements of order 3.Question on existence of the group G from item 2 of the theorem is open. It depends on the following unsolved Question 1. Let V be a countable elementary abe lian 2 group. Whether or not Aut(V) contains a sub group H with the following properties:(a) H acts transitively on the set of involutions of V; (b) every finite subgroup of H fixes exactly one involution v ∈ V and the stabilizer of v in H is isomor phic to the multiplicative group of some locally finite field of characteristic 2?Proof of Theorem 1 rests on results on local finite ness for 2 groups whose finite subgroups bear specific properties.Theorem 2. Suppose that every finite subgroup of a 2 group T is isomorphic to a subgroup of direct product of a dihedral group and an elementary abelian group. Then T is isomorphic to one of the following groups:(a) an elementary abelian 2 group; (b) direct product of an elementary abelian 2 group and a cyclic 2 group;(c) direct product of an elementary abelian 2 group and a group C = 〈c i , i = 1, 2, … | = 1, = c i , i = 1, 2, …〉;(d) direct product of an elementary abelian 2 group and a dihedral 2 group;(e) direct product of an elementary abelian 2 group and a group D = 〈C, d | d 2 = 1, = 〉.In particular T is locally finite. c 1 2 c i 1 + 2 c i d c i 1 -