Prevalence of periodontal disease in the world by universal is 5-20% (2005). The prevalence of periodontal disease in Indonesia increased by 42.8% (1995), 70% (2001), 96.58% (2004), almost all regions in Indonesia have periodontal disease prevalence is more than 15% (2015). This study aims to determine the association of local factors, systemic factors and behavior factors of periodontal disease incidence in Indonesia 2013. The study design used is cross sectional using secondary data Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2013. The statistical test used multiple logistic regression. The results show the prevalence of periodontal disease in Indonesia is 9.77%. Local factors associated with periodontal disease are calculus, missing and crowded. Systemic factors associated with periodontal disease are diabetes mellitus, stress and IMT. Behavior factors associated with periodontal disease is tooth brushing behavior and smoking behavior. It is advised to always maintain oral hygiene by brush your teeth at least twice a day, immediately replace the missing teeth by using partial dentures, correct arrangement of teeth crowding in the arch, avoid smoking, maintain a diet and physical activity to prevent obesity and diabetes mellitus, as well as dental checup at least every six months.