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An Update on Novel Non-Invasive Approaches for Periodontal DiagnosisXiang, Xiaoming; Sowa, Michael G.; Iacopino , Anthony M.; Maev, Roman G.; Hewko, Mark D.; Man, Angela; Liu, Kan-Zhi Abstract For decades there has been an ongoing search for clinically acceptable methods for the accurate, non-invasive diagnosis and prognosis of periodontitis. There are several well-known inherent drawbacks with current clinical procedures. The purpose of this review is to summarize some of the newly emerging diagnostic approaches, namely, infrared spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and ultrasound. The history and attractive features of these new approaches are briefly illustrated, and the interesting and significant inventions related to dental applications are discussed. The particularly attractive aspects for the dental community are that some of these methods are totally non-invasive, do not impose any discomforts to the patients during the procedure, and require no tissue to be extracted. For instance, multiple inflammatory indices withdrawn from near infrared spectra have the potential to identify early signs of inflammation leading to tissue breakdown. Morphologically, some other non-invasive imaging modalities, such as OCT and ultrasound, could be employed to accurately measure probing depths and assess the status of periodontal attachment, the front-line of disease progression. Given that these methods reflect a completely different assessment of periodontal inflammation, if clinically validated, these methods could either replace traditional clinical examinations for the diagnosis of periodontitis or at least serve as attractive complementary diagnostic tools. However, the potential of these techniques should be interpreted more cautiously given the multifactorial character of periodontal disease. In addition to these novel tools in the field of periodontal inflammatory diseases, other alternative modalities like microbiologic and genetic approaches are only briefly mentioned in this review because they have been thoroughly discussed in other comprehensive reviews.Periodontitis is an endemic infectious disease of the tissues surrounding the teeth occurring in 50% of the population and may result in significant debilitation for about half of these persons.
1As the leading cause of edentulism, periodontitis may also have important implications for systemic health including an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and low birth weight/preterm delivery.2 According to a report by the World Health Organization, 3 severe periodontitis leading to tooth loss was found in 5% to 15% of most populations worldwide. Therefore, it is considered one of the most important global oral health burdens.Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease with microbial dental plaque as the in...