A high frequency of dose-dependent side effects aften limits the therapeutic efficacy of Levodopa (L-DOPA) in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease (1). Inhibitors of peripheral aromatic L-amino acids decarbosylase have been utilized experimentally as adjunct therapy to L-DOPA in Parkinson's Disease (2-7). These inhibitors decrease the dose requirements of L-DOPA and certain side effects such as nausea and vomiting but do not alter the incidence of dyskinesias ( 2 , 3 , 5-7). Paradoxically, co-administration of pyridoxine with L-DOP,~ negates the therapeutic effect of L-DOPA (8: 9) but improves dopa-induced dyskinesia. Pyridoxine which is converted to pyridoxal 5-phosphate (vitamin BB) a cofactor for enzymatic decarboxylation and transamination of aromatic L-amino acids, may accelerate metabolism of L-DOPA. To test this possibility, we studied the effect of pyridoxine administration on urinary excretion of DOPA and certain DOPA metabolites following administration of L-DOPA to normal and Parkinsonian subjects.Material and Methods. ( a ) Clinical. Five consenting Parkinsonian patients, uncomplicated by cardiac, renal or hepatic disease, were admitted to the metabolic ward. These patients, ages 57-76, had been treated with L-DOPA, 3-6 g/day, during the previous two years. Their L-DOPA treatment was reduced to 2 g daily (0.5 g each 2 hr beginning a t 8 AM) for seven days prior to pyridoxine administration. On Days 8 and 9, L-DOPA was continued at 2 g daily and pyridoxine was administered by mouth 50 mg each 4 hr beginning at 8 AM for a total daily dose of 150 mg. On Days 7 and 9, total urine output was collected serially, over acid, a t 2, 4, 6, 8, and 24 hr.Four healthy consenting volunteer men, ages 2 9-42, received progressively increased oral doses of L-DOPA from 0.5 to 2.0 g daily for seven consecutive days. On Days 8-15, oral L-DOPA was continued, 0.5 g at 2-hr intervals, beginning at 8 AM for a total daily dose of 2 .O g. On Days 14 and 15, pyridoxine was administered by mouth, 50 mg each 4 hr, for a total daily dose of 150 mg. On Days 13 and 15, urine was collected serially as described above, All urine specimens were collected in dark glass containers over 6 N hydrochloric acid.( b ) Chemical analyses. Urine samples were kept frozen at -20' until chemical analyses were made. The fractionation of urinary dopa and selected metabolites, i.e., dopamine (DA) , dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) , homovanillic acid (HVA) , were pedormed as previously described (10). The quantitative determination of DOPA, DA, DOPAC, and HVA utilized spectrofluorimetric methods (10-13). VMA was determined by the procedure of Pisano et al. (14). Data for DOPA and DA are given for hydrolyzed urine specimens and include both free and conj uga t es.Results. The effects of pyridoxine administration on the urinary excretion of DOPA, DA, DOPAC, and HVA for the group of 5 Parkinsonian subjects are summarized in Table I. The data are expressed as Mean * SD and are analyzed by t test for correlated means. Simultaneous administration of pyrid...