Decision making is the choice of certain behavioral (behavioral) alternatives from two or more alternatives that exist to determine the direction of the objectives to be achieved. Decision making to choose a madrasa is a very strategic decision to determine the future of the school. So it is necessary to examine the factors that influence the decision to choose a madrasa. This study aims to examine the effect of marketing strategies, community perceptions and community satisfaction on the decision to choose Private Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Jambi Province both partially and simultaneously, also directly and indirectly.
This research is a quantitative study with a survey method carried out on Private Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Jambi Province. The population in this study amounted to 178 people who send their children to Private Madrasah Tsanawiyah. Analytical tools with interpreted Path Analysis with Determination Analysis (R Square), Hypothesis Test with t test and f test, and alpha 5 percent.
The results showed that: 1) the marketing strategy had an effect on community satisfaction with a value of 2,130; 2) community perceptions affect community satisfaction with a value of 6.196. 3) marketing strategies and community perceptions of community satisfaction. With a calculated F value of 89.549; 4) marketing strategy towards the decision to choose madrasah with a value of t count of 5.136; 5) community perceptions of the decision to choose madrasah with a score of 6.467; 6) marketing strategies and community perceptions of the decision to choose a madrasah with an Fcount of 169,691; 7) community satisfaction with the decision to choose a madrasah with a tcount of 13,529; 8) marketing strategies, community perceptions, and community satisfaction with the decision to choose madrasah with a tcount of 134.807; 9) marketing strategies towards the decision to choose madrasas through community satisfaction. With tcount of 5.681; and 10) community perceptions of the decision to choose a madrasah through community satisfaction with an Fcount of 5.168.
Based on these findings, the better the madrasah marketing strategy, community perceptions, community satisfaction, the more the community will make the decision to choose madrasas.