Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) influence hair follicles through paracrine and intracrine routes. There is significant evidence that PTH and PTHrP influence the proliferation and differentiation of hair follicle cells. The PTH/PTHrP receptor signalling plays an important role in the hair follicle cycle and may induce premature catagen-telogen transition. Transgenic mice with an overexpression or blockade (PTH/PTHrP receptor knockout mice) of PTHrP activity revealed impaired or increased hair growth, respectively. Some findings also suggest that PTHrP may additionally influence the hair cycle by inhibiting angiogenesis. Antagonists of the PTH/PTHrP receptor have been shown to stimulate proliferation of hair follicle cells and hair growth. A hair-stimulating effect of a PTH/PTHrP receptor antagonist applied topically to the skin has been observed in hairless mice, as well as in mice treated with cyclophosphamide. These data indicate that the PTH/PTHrP receptor may serve as a potential target for new (topical) hair growth-stimulating drugs, especially for chemotherapy-induced alopecia.