In some d-electron oxides the measured effective mass 𝑚 exptl * has long been known to be significantly larger than the model effective mass 𝑚 model * deduced from mean-field band theory, i.e., 𝑚 exptl * = 𝛽𝑚 model * , where 𝛽 > 1 is the 'mass enhancement', or 'mass renormalization' factor. Previous applications of density functional theory (DFT), based on the smallest number of possible magnetic, orbital, and structural degrees of freedom, missed such mass enhancement, a fact that was taken as evidence of strong electronic correlation. The current paper reports in a range of d-electron perovskites SrVO3, SrTiO3, BaTiO3 and LaMnO3 as well as p-electron perovskites CsPbI3 and SrBiO3 that the symmetry-breaking spin and structural effects included in DFT captures already the magnitudes and trends in mass enhancement for both electrons and holes, but only when enlarged unit cells, which are large enough to allow for symmetry breaking distortions and concomitant variations in spin order, are explored for their ability to lower the total energy. The paper analyzes the different symmetry breaking modalities contributing to mass enhancement, finding common effects in range of d-as well as p-electron perovskites. * , where 𝛽 is the 'mass enhancement', or 'mass renormalization' factor. Effective masses 𝑚 exptl * are generally deduced from experiment via model assumptions (such as band parabolicity or various averages over the mass tensor), leading to different effective mass definitions in different experiments, including the mass 𝑚 * ∝ 1 𝑣 𝐹 ⁄ , deduced from Fermi-velocity (𝑣 𝐹 ), or from density of states (DOS) 𝑚 * ∝ (𝐷(𝐸)) 2 3 ⁄ , from specific-heat coefficient 𝑚 * ∝ 𝛾, from magnetic susceptibility 𝜒 ∝ 𝑚 * (1 − 𝑚 0 2 3𝑚 * 2 ), and from bandwidth 𝑊 ∝ 1 𝑚 * ⁄ . Values of 𝛽 > 1 were reported in the * were compared with theoretical values 𝛽(Theory: model) = 𝑚 Theory * /𝑚 model * obtained from advanced theory (such as dynamic mean-field theory, DMFT [13-23]). Because 𝑚 model * is obtained from mean-field band theory, the predicted theoretical enhancement 𝛽(Theory: model) > 1 has been interpreted to be due to strong correlation effects [13-23]. For example, in DMFT, wavefunction localizes and bandwidth narrows (thus leading to mass enhancement) due to pure electronic symmetry breaking [15,24] induced by the dynamic self-energy from the impurity atom embedded in a mean-field bath. Finding for a compound that 𝛽(DMFT: model) > 1 consistent with 𝛽(exptl: model) > 1 helped classify the pertinent compounds as being highly correlated. This line of thinking, however, does not consider the possibility that sources of mass enhancement other than symmetry-preserving correlation might exist. The model calculations used to extract 𝑚 model * have invariably been [13-23] rather naïve (N) level of density functional theory (N-DFT), based on the least number of possible magnetic, orbital and structural degrees of freedom. Indeed, they have assumed one or a few of the following approximations: A highly symmetric unit cell symmetry (e.g., 𝑃𝑚3 ̅...