Changes in seeds of soybeans (Glycine max IL.I Meff. var. Wayne) which occur during accelerated aging (41 C, 100% relative humidity) showed subsequent loss of vigor, a decline in early respiratory activity, increased leakage of electrolytes, losses of as much as 10% dry weight from imbibing cotyledons, and a decrease in the swelling response of the imbibing system (seed plus H20). Each of these changes with aging is interpreted as resulting from deteriorative changes in membranes.The performance capability of seeds in general and soybeans in particular declines during storage. This aging or loss of vigor is evidenced by delayed germination and emergence, slower growth, increased susceptibility to environmental stresses, and, ultimately, a decline in germinability (8,13,18,29 (29), degradation of the respiratory system (2), loss of ATP production/storage capacity (6, 9), and deterioration of membranes (4,7,23,28).The rate at which seeds lose vigor during storage is affected by environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, and 02/CO2 concentrations (13,16,28 For measurements of vigor, 50 seeds were placed in rolled paper toweling, wetted with distilled H20, and held in the dark for 4 days at 25 ± 1 C with occasional additions of distilled H20. The number of seeds germinated (embryonic axis longer than I cm), average root length, and axis weight (measured by removing cotyledons and weighing the remaining root and hypocotyl) were recorded.Respiration was determined manometrically by adding I ml of H20 to six cotyledons (0.5 g) (20). Leakage of electrolytes from imbibing cotyledons was determined by placing six cotyledons in 10 ml of distilled H20 and measuring the changes in electrical conductivity of the H20 with a conductivity bridge (20,24).Changes in the total volume of an imbibing system (seed plus H20) were measured using a dilatometer (20): 100 g of dry seedswere placed in a 1-liter flask; H20 was added to completely fill the flask, which was then stoppered. A burette was inserted through the stopper so that the H20 rose into the graduated portion ofthe burette. Changes in the total volume ofthe imbibing system could then be observed as changes in the H20 level in the burette.
RESULTSThree seed performance parameters, per cent germination, root length, and axis weight, were used to measure changing seed vigor with accelerated aging (Table I). Germination began to decline after 4 days of accelerated aging, but axis growth in terms of both weight and root length showed adverse effects after 3 days of treatment. The seeds of this seed lot were completely nongerminable after 7 days of accelerated aging.Changes in respiratory activity following accelerated aging are shown in Figure 1. Manometric determinations ofearly respiration are complicated by nonrespiratory exchange of gases (desorption) and vapor equilibration during the first several min after the introduction of H20 (20); for this reason, comparisons of respiratory activity were begun after 45 min of imbibition. The data in Figure I indicat...