The theory of Part I is developed by application to filler reinforcement of NR and SBR. For unswollen but prestretched networks it quantifies entire stress–strain curves and applies new concepts of extensibility and strain hardening. Constraint of swelling is expressed by a constant φ, termed linkage reinforcement, and by an effective hard fraction Ch per cubic centimeter of compound. For rubber–filler swelling vc the modified Flory functions F(vc) in part 1 need 3% correction. Then, relative to gum fix points 1/F0(vr):
where Ch ≤ 1.15C for filler concentrations C per cubic centimeter of compound. The effective Ch comprises the volume fraction C* of bonded particles and 5–10 Å of surface–bound rubber that has been stretched hard by swelling. When needed, the actual crosslink density and intrinsic linkage reinforcement φ0 can be obtained by dividing by (1 + 2.5Cφ) where Cφ = (C ln φ)/(1 + 2.5C). The case Ch ≤ 1.15C with Graphon or inert fillers is identified and assessed by equations:
Results Ch > 1.15C are invalid, but then Ch ≈ 1.15C* ≈ 1.15C, e.g., for carbon blacks. Even Graphon is distinguished from inert fillers at low concentrations C by substantial constraint reinforcement F0(vr)/F(vc) > 1. For prestressed dry rubber a modulus G, network extensibility αb − 1, and upturn coefficient μh express the whole curve; G and μh show identical constraint strength distributions. Network extensibility αb − 1 is the microbreaking strain (prestretch); for pure elastomer it is elongation at break. The relation of stress F to extension ratio α is:
where C2* = 0.7 and j = 0.4 from NR/MPC data. Strain‐hardening coefficients h are obtained from μh by the theory given in Part I. Hard modulus components Gh = 0.7 ln (h/h0) vanish as h → h0 (gum) = 110. After high prestresses the residual ln‐(h*/h0) due to strong carbon‐rubber linkages implies Gh* = 0.42 kg/cm2, i.e., ca. 10% of the normal cure crosslinks.