The aim of this research is to describe the learning of wudhu through picture cards for children with special needs and to identify the factors that influence the learning of ablution through picture cards for children with special needs in Gadang 2 State Elementary School, Banjarmasin Tengah Subdistrict. The subjects in this study were two special accompanying teachers of class IV A, one Islamic education teacher, and one inclusion teacher at Gadang 2 State Elementary School, Banjarmasin Tengah Subdistrict. The object of the study is the efforts made in learning ablution through picture card media for children with special needs in Gadang 2 State Elementary School, Banjarmasin Tengah Subdistrict. The techniques used in collecting data in the field are observation, interviews, and documentation, while the techniques used in processing the data are data collection, data editing, and data interpretation. The results of the research show that learning ablution through picture cards for children with special needs in Gadang 2 State Elementary School, Banjarmasin Tengah Subdistrict, is carried out well. They quickly understand the explanation, especially with the use of picture card that enables them to remember what they have seen on the cards. The factors that influence the learning of ablution through picture cards for children with special needs are derived from the teachers' educational background and good and supportive teacher experiences. Factors from students, their feelings or moods can affect the learning activities of ablution, and factors from media use, the use of picture cards in learning ablution has not been carried out well. The accompanying teacher, in addition to providing learning explanations, must also provide a sense of calm and comfort to children with special needs so as not to disrupt their learning mood and always provide encouragement and motivation to them.