In the field of education, the focus of teaching today is how to deliver lessons effectively by using learning technology. In the implementation of inclusive education, teachers in schools are expected to be able to apply learning media more broadly in dealing with all types and levels of student needs so that the learning process can run optimally. In relation to PJOK learning media in inclusive schools, a teacher must have the ability to choose and use learning media that is suitable and in accordance with the needs of students. Researchers use qualitative research methods to obtain detailed and in-depth information and results based on the problems and objectives to be addressed. Researchers choose qualitative methods because researchers want to find, study and understand a phenomenon that cannot be found using only assumptions or numbers. SD Tumbuh 1 Yogyakarta is one of several growing schools in Yogyakarta. This school applies an inquiry learning approach that encourages children to actively discover and think scientifically in examining a matter. The entrepreneurship program develops entrepreneurial character in students. Inclusion-based PJOK learning media at SD Tumbuh 1 is good enough because before learning the teacher has conducted an assessment of students so that the teacher can determine the media that suits the needs of students without distinguishing learning media for regular children in general from inclusion children.