Various social demands and pressures to get a job result in high anxiety in fresh university graduates. One way to reduce the level of anxiety is through social support from parents. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parental social support and anxiety in facing the world of work in fresh graduates. The research subjects totalled 335 fresh graduates of the State University of Makassar. This study used a quantitative method with a cluster random sampling technique. The instrument used was the parental social support scale and the anxiety scale. The data analysis technique used was the Pearson product moment correlation test, which obtained a significant negative relationship between parental social support in the aspects of emotional support, appraisal support, instrumental support, and informational support with anxiety in facing the world of work. That is, the lower the social support of parents, the higher the anxiety level of fresh graduates in facing the world of work. This research can provide knowledge and a reference source regarding social support for parents with children who face anxiety regarding the world of work.
Keywords: Anxiety, Fresh Graduate, Parental Support