The purpose of this study is to understand the importance of personal finance planning to be financially sound and well equipped for the uncertainty. According to the findings of this study, the ignorance of personal finance is to the pinnacle. This isn't just to set up family spending plan yet additionally to save, contribute as well as plan for our retirement. The meaning of financial management, its significance, the steps that each person can take to plan and manage their finances, and the awareness of financial management are all discussed in this writing. In addition to educating readers on how to plan and manage each individual's finances for their benefit today and in the future, which indirectly contributes to the development of the nation, the purpose of this writing is to raise awareness of the significance of personal finance planning and management. The impact of personal finance education on financial knowledge, attitudes, and actions is the subject of much debate. Our research also reveals that discussing money with friends, income, work experience, year/field of study, and family financial socialization were all important factors in influencing financial knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. We're not saying that formal financial education isn't important; rather, we're saying that its role in changing people's attitudes and behaviors should be carefully considered if that's its goal. The objective was to describe the financial knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of residents to inform the design of a personal finance curriculum.