“…The studies varied greatly in terms of the comorbidity of major depression, with some s t u d i e s i n c l u d i n g o n l y d e p r e s s e d i n d i v i d u a l s [13,15,37,40,41] and other studies comparing depressed samples with other samples (nondepressed [42], or other Axis I [22]), others not indicating Axis I comorbidity at all [43,44], and the remainder indicating some comorbid depression in their sample. As all three studies comparing depressed patients with nondepressed patients found that the presence of major depression increased the prevalence of personality disorder diagnoses, it seems important to add this information to later meta-analyses [21,42,45]. In addition, one of the studies added in the second metaanalysis included respondents aged 42 to 65, all of whom were depressed [41].…”