This study aimed to apprehend the social representations of Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) and depression, elaborated by patients on hemodialysis with and without symptoms of depression. Fifteen patients on hemodialysis participated in this study, of both sexes, with a mean age of 46.05 years, SD = 13.4, who answered to a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Free Word Association Test. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and factorial correspondence analysis. The results indicated that 20% of patients had depressive symptoms. The CRF was represented as synonymous of paralyzed kidney, associated with the treatment difficulties and its which was considered "a nightmare". Patients also expressed on the ignorance of the causes which lead to kidney disease. The depression has been objectified in the symptoms: lack of desire, crying and agony.Keywords: social representation; depression; chronic kidney disease; hemodialysis; word association tests.
IntroduçãoA partir das últimas três décadas do século XX, observou-se um crescente interesse no entendimento acerca do binômio saúde-doença, considerando-se os fatores biopsicossociais que decorrem desse fenômeno. Neste direcionamento, a literatura vem enfatizando a associação entre distúrbios psicoafetivos e doenças crônicas, a exemplo da depressão e da Doença Renal Crônica (DRC), que passou a ser estudada, aproveitando-se as contribuições da Psicologia da saúde e da Psicologia social (Nifa & Rudnicki, 2010;