Knowledge is something that is owned by employees as a condition to be able to complete work, therefore better knowledge will lead to increased performance. In this study, the author uses a research design for education, dissemination and information to workers in the field by applying corporate life saving rules with periodic intervention using a cross-sectional study, namely the measurement of data on independent variables (location of work and years of service). and bound (knowledge of corporate life saving rules) only once at a time. The results of the study stated that there was a relationship between tenure and work location on the knowledge of corporate life saving rules (CLSR) workers with a P-value <0.05, so that it was concluded that there was a relationship between tenure and understanding of corporate life saving rules (CLSR) with The results show that workers with 1-5 years of service have a better level of understanding than workers with 6-10 years of service. Apart from working period, there is also a relationship between work location and understanding of corporate life saving rules (CLSR). Workers who work at the work site (site) have a better level of understanding than office workers. Overall, the level of understanding of workers on corporate life saving rules (CLSR) at fuel oil and gas terminal companies in Indonesia with a "good" level of understanding reached 50.3%, while workers who needed "improvement" in understanding reached 49.7%. These results indicate the need for education, dissemination and information through further periodic interventions to all workers, both in field locations and in offices.