This study aims to find a combination of doses of NPK fertilizer and concentration of Auksin 2.4D optimum for growth of clove seedlings. The experiment was conducted at IPB Experimental Garden, Cikabayan, Dramaga, Bogor, from October 2016 until June 2017. The first treatment was NPK compound fertilizer (15:15:15) with four dosage levels ie 5 g per seed (P0), 10 g per seed (P1), 15 g per seed (P2) and 20 g per seed (P3) . The second treatment was Hydracilla with 4 dosages ie 0 ml per liter of water (Z0), 0.5 ml per liter of water (Z1), 1 ml per liter of water (Z2) and 1.5 ml per liter of water (Z3). The results showed that NPK compound fertilizers tend to have a significant effect (F test on α 0.1) to root weight ratio, but did not give any significant effect on other variables. The concentration of auxin gave a significant effect on plant height at 1 MAT (Month after Treatment) and tended to have a significant effect (F test at α 0.1) on the height of seedlings at 4 and 5 MAT, but did not give any significant effect on other variables. There is a real effect of NPK and auxin fertilizer interaction on root length and tends to have real effect (F test at α 0.1) on Wet Heading Edge. No optimum dose was found in NPK compound fertilizer for growth of clove seeds, but there was an optimum concentration in a 2.4 D auxin that was 1.58 ml per liter of water in the height growth of clove seedlings.