Indonesia has the third highest number of motorcycles, which means the traffic flow in Indonesia is heterogeneous. Traffic flow can specify its condition, whether it is a free flow or very heavy traffic. Traffic condition is the most important criterion used to find the best route from an origin to a destination. This paper collects the traffic condition for several road segments which are calculated based on the degree of saturation by using two methods, namely, (1) by counting the number of vehicles using object detection in the public closed-circuit television (CCTV) stream, and (2) by requesting the traffic information (vehicle’s speed) using TomTom. Both methods deliver the saturation degree and calculate the traffic condition for each road segment. Based on the experiments, the average error rate obtained by counting the number of vehicles on Pramuka–Cihapit and Trunojoyo was 0–2 cars, 2–3 motorcycles, and 0–1 for others. Meanwhile, the average error on Merdeka-Aceh Intersection reached 6 cars, 11 motorcycles, and 1 for other vehicles. The average speed calculation for the left side of the road is more accurate than the right side, and the average speed on the left side is less than 3.3 km/h. Meanwhile, on the right side, the differences between actual and calculated vehicle speeds are between 11.088 and 22.222 km/h. This high error rate is caused by (1) the low resolution of the public CCTV, (2) some obstacles interfering with the view of CCTV, (3) the misdetection of the type of vehicles, and by (4) the vehicles moving too fast. The collected dataset can be used in further studies to solve the congestion problem, especially in Indonesia.