the objectives of this study are to describe the vision and mission, to analyze internal and external conditions, and to formulate strategy of Pt XyZ. the research was carried out by descriptive analysis method. the tools used at this study included ife (internal factor evaluation), efe (external factor evaluation), ie (internal-external) and QsPM (Quantitative strategic Planning Matrix). the study showed that the vision of the company is in accordance with the goals of the company, whereas the mission analysis identified that not all members of the company know the company mission. internal analysis shows 8 factors becoming the strengths and 8 factors becoming the weaknesses for the company, while the external analysis shows 7 factors becoming the opportunities and 7 factors becoming the threats for the company. the ife and efe matrix analysis showed scores of 3,064 and 2,595. this score showed that the company position is on the ie matrix, quadrant i (cell iv). in this quadrant, the right strategy is to grow and build. Alternative strategies formulated for the company include market penetration, product development, people development, market development, company relocation and competitive pricing. Based on the QsPM matrix, the priority strategy formulated for Pt XyZ is people development.