The aim of the article was to analyze the comments of followers on the CNJ's Facebook page, regarding the voluntary giving up for adoption. This is a research with an analytical-exploratory character and a quantitative and qualitative approach in the treatment of data. Secondary data were used, obtained from the examination of comments made in the publication on the voluntary giving up of babies for adoption on the CNJ's Facebook page. Data were processed using the IRaMuTeQ software (Interface de R pour les Analyzes Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires), based on the Descending Hierarchical Classification test, for subsequent content analysis. 3 thematic classes emerged: 1) The woman and her choices, 2) Criticism of judicial procedures and 3) The subjugated woman. The main results refer to the judgment of values and subjectivation to which women are exposed, the lack ofknowledge of the law and the myth of maternal love crystallized in the social imaginary. It reflects on the need to invest in the continuing education of all professionals in the Rights Assurance System, developing strategic actions to disseminate and deconstruct prejudices with the law and with women.