In the year 2008, 166 apple, bean, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, pear, potato and spinach samples from Slovene producers were analysed for plant protection product residues. The samples were analysed for the presence of 158 different active compounds using three analytical methods. In two samples (1.2%) exceeded maximum residue levels (MRLs) were determined which is better than the results of the monitoring of pesticide residues in the products of plant origin in the 27 European Union, Member States (EU MS) and 2 European Free Trade Association (EFTA) States: Norway and Iceland in 2008 (2.2%). The most frequently found active substance in agricultural products was dithiocarbamates. Products which contained 4 or more active substances per sample were apples and pears.Keywords: GC/MS, LC/MS/MS, plant protection products, plant protection product residues, monitoring IZVLEČEK V letu 2008 smo na ostanke fitofarmacevtskih sredstev analizirali 166 vzorcev jabolk, fižola, korenja, kumar, solate, hrušk, krompirja in špinače slovenskih tržnih pridelovalcev. Vse vzorce smo analizirali s tremi analitskimi metodami na prisotnost 158 različnih aktivnih spojin. V dveh vzorcih (1,2%) smo določili presežene maksimalno dovoljene količine ostankov (MRL), kar je boljše kot rezultati monitoringa ostankov pesticidov v rastlinskih proizvodih v 27 državah članicah Evropske skupnosti in 2 državah iz Evropskega združenja za prosto trgovino (EFTA): Norveški in Islandiji v letu 2008 (2,2 %). Najpogosteje najdena aktivna snov v kmetijskih pridelkih so bili ditiokarbamati. Kmetijska proizvoda, ki sta vsebovala 4 ali več aktivnih snovi na vzorec sta bila jabolka in hruške.