The high selectivity of element-specific atomic emission detection has proven suitable for screening analysis of plant foodstuffs for pesticide residues by capillary gas chromatography, especially for those foodstuffs which contain high levels of matrix compounds. The elemental composition of a peak can, furthermore, be examined by looking at the partial emission spectra recorded during a GC run. This instrumental feature prevents false positive signal interpretation as a result of high concentration levels of eluting matrix compounds.
Gas Chromatography with Parallel ECD and NPD DetectionGas chromatography was performed w t h a Hewlett-Packard (HP) 5890A gas chromatograph eqwpped with an HP 7673A autosampler and HP ECD and NPD connected for parallel operation by means of an eluate sphtter at the column outlet The chromatograph was fitted vvlth a 50 m x 0 32 mm 1 d fused shca capflary column coated w t h a 0 17 pm film of HP-5 Hot sphtless inlection of 1 pl samples was performed w t h the mlector at 210 "C The column temperature was heid at 100 "C for 1 rmn after mlection, programmed at 30 "/Inn to 150 "C which was held for 2 m, then at 3 "/mn to 205 "C, and finally at 10 "/mn to 260 "C whch was held for 20 min Hehum of 99 999 % punty was used as carner gas Data were