DISCLAIMERTkk nport w praprod u u aecout of work ipoMorad by u iflMcy of the United SUM Oovommt Nokhar tM Uaitad Stat* OavtnunMt BOT uy uncy tMrwf, nor uy of th*ir iployii. BUM uy warruty, Mpmt or implkd, or wtumw uy knl liability or rwpomibitty for UM accuracy, owiplMuwi, or mt*lam of uy iaforoutioo, apparatus product, or proom ditdond, or uprweati tut hi OM would not iafriin privately owiwd righti. Refer ence herein to uy epectflc coeawetcial product, proowt, or wrrict by trad* imi, trademark, memrecterer, or otkorwiN doet aot niomtrily .coaetitMe or imply lb eadortemnt, ream-•uowiu, or fiwriu by the Utited SUM Govorameat or uy ucacy thereof. iii
Transport Properties of Topopah Spring Tuff AbstractElectrical resistivity, ultrasonic P-wave velocity, and water permeability were mea sured simultaneously on both intact and fractured Topopah Spring tuff samples at a confining pressure of 5.0 MPa, pore pressures to 2.5 MPa, and temperatures to 140°C. The tested samples were subjected to three dehydration and rehydration cycles. The dehydrations were accomplished at a temperature of 140°C, and the rehydrations were accomplished at various combinations of temperature and pore pressures so that the wetting fluid was either liquid water, steam, or both.The electrical resistivity measurements indicate that for the intact sample, the drying and resaturation took place fairly uniformly throughout the sample. On the other hand, for the fractured sample, the drying and resaturation were spatially quite nonuniform. During the drying period, one corner at the upstream end of the fractured sample dried first. When the fractured sample was resaturated, one side of the fracture was wetted first. The nonuniformity in drying and resaiuration may be due to the fracture roughness. In addition, when water at a few megapascals of pressure was introduced into the dry fractured sample, the wetting front moved at a speed 100 times faster than in the dry intact rock. Fracture flow dominates the water transport. We saw no evidence for matrix capillarity effect. The resistivity measurements also indicated that, at least in some areas of the samples, drying was accomplished in two stages, and that the fracture acted as a conduit for the steam transport out of the rock. When samples had been subjected to 5 MPa of confining pressure and 140°C for several weeks, a gradual monotonic drift in resistivity was measured (decreasing resistivity when dry; increasing resistivity when wet). This may be the result of either minerolegical changes or grain boundary move ment. In any case, the phenomenon may have important consequences on long term repository performance, and should be studied further.The permeability of the intact sample was independent of temperature, dehydration and rehydration cycles, and time. The permeability of the fractured sample, initially dominated by the fracture, decreased by about one order of magnitude after each de hydration and rehydration cycle. In the entire testing period of four monChs, the perme ability of the fractured...