Drug utilization study has been defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as "The marketing, distribution, prescription and uses of drugs in a society with special emphasis on the resulting medical and social and economic consequences." 1 The interests in drug utilization studies were generated as a result of: (1) number of new drug marketed, (2) wide variations in the prescribing pattern, (3) growing concern about delayed adverse effects, (4) increasing concern about the cost of drug as reflected by increase in both sales and the volume of prescription drugs. 2 Psychiatric disorders form an important public health priority. 3 Of the top 10 health conditions contributing to the disability-adjusted life years, four are psychiatric disorders. Mental illness is associated with high levels of health service utilization and associated costs and in developing countries these costs are mostly paid by the patient. 4 The present study was undertaken to analyze the pattern of drug utilization of psychotropic medications in outdoor patients of psychiatry department of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Jamnagar. METHODS A cross-sectional, prospective drug utilization study was carried out in outdoor patient of Psychiatry Department of Guru Gobind Singh Government Hospital, a tertiary care ABSTRACT Background: Psychotropic drugs have a great importance in psychiatric practice. Today many newer drug like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and atypical antipsychotic drugs has changed treatment protocol. Hence, the study was carried out to find morbidity pattern of psychiatric illness and prescribing pattern of psychiatric illness. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was carried out for 12 months. Patients of all ages and both sexes were included in the study while inpatients and referred patients were excluded. The prescribing pattern was analyzed by using World Health Organization (WHO) basic drug indicators. Results: Among 600 patients, male patient were 291 (48.50%) and female patient were 309 (51.50%). The most common disorder was depression 208 (34.66%) followed by schizophrenia 192 (32.00%). The numbers of psychotropic drugs prescribed a patient were 2.51. 39.39% drugs were prescribed from the WHO essential medicines list. Total 89.18% drugs were prescribed by generic name. Benzodiazepines were the most common prescribed drugs. Atypical antipsychotic drugs were commonly used than typical antipsychotic drugs. Central anticholinergic drug was used in 43.15% patients receiving antipsychotic drugs. Conclusion: Overall, the drugs were prescribed rationally. Benzodiazepine should be prescribed only for short-term duration. Use of central acting anticholinergic drugs with all antipsychotic drugs was not justified.