The pharmacokinetics of bendroflumethiazide (BFT) was investigated following the oral administration of 10 mg to 3 healthy volunteers. Each subject participated twice in the study. BFT was determined in plasma and cantharides blister fluid from 1/2 to 30 h post administration. Blister fluid was obtained from blisters 10-22 h old. Plasma levels were fitted to a tri-exponential equation and the concentration of the drug in the peripheral compartment was calculated from the microscopic rate constants. In 5 of 6 cases investigated, cantharides blister fluid levels paralleled the concentration of the drug in the peripheral compartment. The mean blister fluid levels exceeded the calculated concentration in Compartment 2 1.46 fold. In one case, the blister fluid level paralleled the plasma level. This subject clearly differed from the others as more than 10 h were required for blister formation in her. The results suggest that following the administration of BFT, cantharides blister fluid behaves as part of the peripheral compartment. The possible value of studying blister fluid levels in pharmacokinetic investigations is discussed.