Key words:Balanced anesthesia, detomidine, nalbuphine, butorphanol, dog.The continuous search for suitable and effective drug combination for dog sedation and analgesia is an aim for most of researchers. The current experimental study aimed to evaluate and compare the sedative, analgesic and cardiorespiratory effects of detomidine/butorphanol, detomidine/nalbuphine, diazepam/butorphanol and diazepam/nalbuphine combinations in sex healthy mongrel dogs. Detomidinebutorphanol or nalbuphine resulted in deep degree of sedation and a reliable period of intense antinociceptive effect. The Longest period of sedation was recorded post diazepam-butorphanol injection. However, diazepam-nalbuphine resulted in the shortest period of both sedation and antinociception. Significant reduction of pulse and respiratory rates was observed post detomidine-opioids combination while diazepamopioids combination resulted in minimal cardiorespiratory effect. It could be concluded that detomidine-butorphanol induced a strong preemptive antinociceptive effect and a state of balanced anesthesia with minimal response to noxious stimulation.