Terbinafine, an allylamine used to treat onychomycosis, has been reported to be active against rat Pneumocystis carinii in vitro and in vivo. By contrast, our in vitro data showed that the 50% inhibitory concentration of terbinafine against rat P. carinii is 3.7 g/ml, a level that cannot be clinically achieved in serum. In the present study, terbinafine administered orally at doses of 20 to 400 mg/kg/day and 50 to 250 mg/kg/day was ineffective therapy for mouse and rat models of pneumocystosis, respectively. These results emphasize the complexities of P. carinii drug testing and the need for caution before considering studies in humans.Despite improved treatment of human immunodeficiency virus, pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii remains an important clinical problem in human immunodeficiency virus patients and other immunocompromised hosts. Anti-P. carinii drugs in clinical use are hampered by toxicity, limited effectiveness, and emerging resistance (10,17,24). The lack of interest among pharmaceutical companies in developing new agents for P. carinii has stimulated efforts to test existing drugs marketed for other purposes for activity against the organism. Terbinafine, a member of the allylamines which has been marketed for the treatment of onychomycosis, is one of these agents. Terbinafine has activity against dermatophytes, other fungi, and trypanosomes (19).Two studies have shown that terbinafine is active against rat and human P. carinii infection at concentrations of 300 g/ml and 0.4 to 0.8 g/ml, respectively, in tissue culture (3, 5). The investigators also found that terbinafine given at oral doses of 15 to 80 mg/kg/day had efficacy that was equal to or greater than that of known anti-P. carinii drugs in rats with P. carinii pneumonia (5, 6). These provocative reports led to interest in possibly using terbinafine to treat pneumocystosis in humans. Before clinical studies can be contemplated, these findings should be confirmed by other investigators using different experimental approaches. Using an ATP cytotoxicity assay to screen candidate anti-P. carinii drugs, our group found that terbinafine has a 50% inhibitory concentration of 3.7 g/ml against rat P. carinii at 72 h (16). Although this concentration indicates moderate activity on our rating scale (7, 28), it exceeds levels of terbinafine in serum that can be achieved in humans (1 to 2 g/ml) or rodents (2 to 2.5 g/ml) with oral administration of the drug (9,13,15,18,19,20). Here we have analyzed the efficacy of terbinafine in our mouse and rat models of pneumocystosis.Adult C3H/HeN mice and Lewis rats (Charles River) were housed under barrier conditions with infected mice and rats, respectively, and administered corticosteroids to induce the development of pneumocystosis as previously described (25,26,27,28). After 6 to 7 weeks of immunosuppression, when the infection reached moderate intensity, the animals were randomly divided into treatment and control groups. Terbinafine (Lamsil; Novartis), which was obtained commercially, and trimethoprim...