Medieval Romance texts in the Greek alphabet are generally considered a very reliable source of information about spoken vernacular varieties, mainly due to the intrinsic independence of their writers from the Latin graphic tradition. Nevertheless, as first observed by Alberto Varvaro and Anna Maria Compagna in 1983, these valuable documents, like any other kind of written evidence, are not immune from some degree of conventionality. This paper will focus on the problems raised by the codification of Romance languages in the Greek alphabet, which requires the study of multilingualism, language contact and coexistence of different (written and oral) cultural traditions. Exemplification will come from Italo-Romance texts produced in Sicily and Southern Italy before 1500, but also from texts of other Romance areas like the Gallo-Romance 13th Century Credo studied by Rocco Distilo (1990).Keywords: multigraphism, scripta greco-romanza, multilingualism, Southern Italian, (written) languages in contact Parole chiave: multigrafismo, scripta greco-romanza, multilinguismo, italiano meridionale, contatto fra lingue (scritte) Ringraziamenti: Una comunicazione su un tema affine ho presentato nell'ambito dell'XI Convegno della Società Italiana di Filologia Romanza (Catania, 22-26 settembre 2015). Per il presente contributo mi sono giovato di chiarimenti, suggerimenti e indicazioni bibliografiche da parte di