sorption denaturation 11, 12. Among the monolayers formed at the air/water interface, the Langmuir monolayer 13 15 is a quasi-equilibrium state formed by external compression. On the other hand, the Gibbs monolayer 16 is formed in the equilibrium state between micelles and the interfacial adsorption film due to the presence of surfactant molecules in the aqueous solution Fig. 1. In general, the former is described by the surface pressure-area π-A isotherm 17 , and the latter by the surface pressure-time π-t isotherm 18. Langmuir films are water-insoluble monolayers 19 spread from an organic solvent. On the other hand, Gibbs monolayers are formed by water-soluble surfactant molecules 20. Biomolecules such as enzymes and proteins have abundant hydrophobic units, even though they are water-soluble in general, and their aqueous solution causes molecular adsorption at the air/water interface over time 21. During this time, it is thought that a conformational transition from a hydrophilic Abstract: Using glucose oxidase and salmon testis-derived DNA molecules, we sought to extend the recently proposed idea of interfacial adsorption denaturation. The surface pressure-time (π-t) isotherm of the glucose oxidase Gibbs monolayer exhibited a rapid increase in surface pressure and a relatively prompt transition to a liquid condensed film. The appearance of this rapid liquid expansion phase occurred much earlier than that previously identified for lysozyme, trypsin, cytochrome C, and luciferase. This experimental finding was linked to the number of hydrophobic residues in the constituent unit, and the number of hydrophobic residues in glucose oxidase was the highest among these biomolecules. On the other hand, DNA molecules do not have such hydrophobic groups, or present a positive surface on the π-t curve. However, interfacial adsorption occurred, and the existence of molecules at the air/water interface was confirmed, even in the two-dimensional gas phase state. Furthermore, it was confirmed that an increase in surface pressure was detected during the formation of a mixed film of DNA molecules and biomolecules, forming a stable Gibbs monolayer. This mimic the behavior of mixed monolayer formation with matrix molecules in Langmuir monolayers. Moreover, it was clarified that the interfacial adsorption denaturation behavior changed when pH dependence was evaluated considering the isoelectric point of the biomolecular group.