This article examined the reduction/nitridation of rutile in the He-N 2 , Ar-N 2 , and He (Ar)-H 2 -N 2 gas mixtures, as well as pure nitrogen, in the temperature-programmed and isothermal experiments in a fixed-bed reactor. The extents of reduction and nitridation were determined from the off gas composition and LECO analysis. The off-gas composition was monitored using the infrared sensor (CO, CO 2 , and CH 4 ) and dew point analyzer (H 2 O). The phase composition of the reduced samples was analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The temperature and gas composition had a strong effect on the rutile reduction. The reduction was the fastest in the H 2 -N 2 gas mixture, followed by a reduction in nitrogen; the rate of reduction/nitridation in the He-N 2 gas mixture was marginally higher than in the Ar-N 2 gas. The rate of titania reduction/ nitridation in the He (Ar)-H 2 -N 2 gas increased with the replacement of He (Ar) with hydrogen.