Preserving volume in the Allen-Cahn framework is appealing as a computationally-e cient alternate for Cahn-Hilliard approach. e limitations of adopting volume-preserved Allen-Cahn treatment to analyse curvature-driven morphological transformations in chemical equilibrium is unraveled in the present work. e outcomes of redistribution-energy technique, which operates in Allen-Cahn framework, and a thermodynamically-consistent generalised quasi-Allen-Cahn (qAC) treatment, involving a conserved variable, is comparatively studied to explicate the limitations of the former. Analysis of representative microstructural evolution, in two-and threedimension, indicates that preserving volume in Allen-Cahn formalism renders an inaccurate transformation mechanism and nal phase-distribution, which signi cantly deviate from the experimental observations and theoretical predictions. Moreover, it is shown that the redistributionenergy technique, in its existing form, fails to recover the thermodynamic condition imposed on the system.