A large pro port ion of the marine natural produc ts actu ally u n der clinical inve stigat ion are pept ide sec ondary metabolites with unusual amino acids re sidues. This growing f amily of compounds can be produced via tw o major p athw ays, r ibosomal and nonribosomal. In this c hapt er a re p re sent ed a nd illu strated, with a fe w f amou s examples, ribosomal-and n onribosomal-d erived pe ptides. Atte ntion is focused on fi ve families of biological ly a ctive marine p eptides of d iverse origin, ranging from the old est living ce ll of the world, the cyanobact eria, to more sophisticat ed organisms s uch a s tu nicates or mol lusk s. T he discu ssed pe ptides illu strate d iff erently th e s tructural fe atu re s and diversity f ound in mari ne-derived peptid es; laxaphycins as an example o f true pept ide s; dolast atins, didemnins and kahalalides are discuss ed in connectio n wit h their cl inical trials; a nd azole/azoli ne-c ontaining cyanobactins to exe m plif y the extra ord ina ry c hemi cal dive rs it y wit hin a single organism. Information abou t their biol ogical properties and mec hanisms of a ctio n is disc uss ed when available .