Overview: Cancer is now the second leading cause of death in Brazil (after cardiovascular diseases) and a public health problem, with around 500,000 new cases in 2012. Excluding nonmelanoma skin cancer, lung cancer is the second most incident cancer type in men, with 17,210 expected new cases. In women, it is the fifth most incident cancer, with 10,110 expected new cases. The estimated age-adjusted lung cancer mortality rate is about 13/100,000 for men and 5.4/100,000 for women. Lung cancer rates in men increased until the early 1990s and decreased thereafter, especially in the younger population. In contrast, a steady upward trend was observed for women. The positive effects in men were probably due to the successful anti-tobacco campaign conducted in Brazil over the last decades, which led to a decrease in the adult smoking population, from 32% in the early 1980s to 17% in the 2000s. Although the Brazilian National Cancer Institute is strongly committed to providing excellence in multimodality care to cancer patients, limitations in availability and adequate geographic distribution of specialists and well-equipped cancer centers are evident. Major disparities in patient access to proper staging and state-of-the-art treatment still exist. Considering that World Health Organization (WHO) officials estimate that cancer will become the number one cause of death in most developing countries, including Brazil, in the next decades, it is highly recommended for government authorities to implement firm actions to face this tremendous challenge.