We report measurements of the dependence on magnetic field and array size of the resistive transition of Josephson junction arrays with long-range interaction. Because every wire in these arrays has a large number of nearest neighbors (9 or 18 in our case), a mean-field theory should provide an excellent description of this system. Our data agree well with this mean-field calculation, which predicts that T c (the temperature below which the array exhibits macroscopic phase coherence) shows very strong commensurability effects and scales with array size. [S0031-9007(97) We report an experimental investigation of ordered Josephson junction arrays with long-range interaction (ALRI), of the sort originally proposed in the disordered limit by Vinokur et al. [1]. Although such arrays had been fabricated by Sohn et al. [2], the samples used in the present Letter for the first time have low enough critical currents and hence low enough screening to be in the regime well described by existing theoretical models [3,4].These arrays consist of two perpendicular sets of N parallel superconducting wires, coupled by Josephson junctions at every point of crossing (see Fig. 1). In this geometry, any horizontal (vertical) wire is nearest neighbor to all vertical (horizontal) wires, and nextnearest neighbor to all other horizontal (vertical) wires. Hence we term the interaction long range. The number of nearest neighbors in these arrays is equal to the array size N. This is in sharp contrast to standard (shortrange interaction) 2D arrays where the number of nearest neighbors (typically 4 or 6) is independent of array size.Arrays with long-range interaction were first proposed by Vinokur et al.[1] as a physical realization of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) model [5], which is an analytically studied model of a spin-glass. The SK model assumes the interaction between spins does not depend on the separation between the spins, and therefore does not describe most experimentally studied spin-glass systems. Vinokur et al. showed that for the case where the wires are positionally disordered and a sufficiently strong perpendicular magnetic field is applied, ALRI are very similar to the SK model and admit an analytic solution. More recently, Chandra et al. [4] have shown that even for an ordered array, glassy behavior is expected in a very weak field (less than one flux quantum per row).The equivalent of "spins" in these ALRI are the phases of the superconducting wires, which are well defined in any given gauge. Since field screening is negligible, the actual field equals the applied field, and we can make the gauge choice A fxF 0 ͞a 2ŷ , where a is the lattice constant and f is the flux per cell divided by a flux quantum. In the appropriate limit where the junction critical currents are negligible compared to the wire critical currents, we can write J 0, where J is the current density in the wires. J is given by the GinzburgLandau expressionwhere C is the order parameter of the wires. With our gauge choice, setting J to zero implies tha...