We estimate the maximum equatorial ellipticity sustainable by compact stars composed of crystalline color-superconducting quark matter. For the theoretically allowed range of the gap parameter ∆, the maximum ellipticity could be as large as 10 −2 , which is about 4 orders of magnitude larger than the tightest upper limit obtained by the recent science runs of the LIGO and GEO600 gravitational wave detectors based on the data from 78 radio pulsars. We point out that the current gravitational-wave strain upper limit already has some implications for the gap parameter. In particular, the upper limit for the Crab pulsar implies that ∆ is less than O(20) MeV for a range of quark chemical potential accessible in compact stars, assuming that the pulsar has a mass 1.4M⊙, radius 10 km, breaking strain 10 −3 , and that it has the maximum quadrupole deformation it can sustain without fracturing.PACS numbers: 04.30. Db, 25.75.Nq, 26.60.+c Introduction. When nuclear matter is squeezed to a sufficiently high density, there is a transition from nuclear matter to quark matter. Since the density required for the transition to happen is believed to be not much higher than nuclear-matter density, the dense cores of compact stars are the most likely places where quark matter may occur astrophysically. Except for hot newborn compact stars, it is now generally believed that the deconfined quark matter (if exists) in the interior of compact stars is in a color-superconducting phase [1,2,3,4], in which the quarks form Cooper pairs due to the BCS mechanism (see [5] and references therein for reviews). At sufficiently high densities, the favored pairing phase is the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase [3], in which pairing between quarks of different colors and flavors is allowed. In the intermediate density regime relevant to the cores of compact stars, it is found that crystalline colorsuperconducting quark matter is a more favored phase [5,6,7,8,9,10]. However, it should be noted that so far the studies on the crystalline phase are based only on phenomenological models of QCD, mainly the NambuJona-Lasinio model [11]. The true ground state of quark matter in the cores of compacts stars is still a matter of debate. Furthermore, there is as yet no study on the construction and stability of a hydrostatic equilibrium stellar model composed of crystalline quark core in general relativity.