The research was done to study the allelopathic impact of Spinacia oleracea L. on wheat germination and growth. The wheat cultivars were Baraka, Bhooth, Ibaa99 and Sham. The allelopathic effect was determined by two experiments (laboratory and greenhouse). In the laboratory experiment, aqueous extract concentration was 2 and 4% (W: V) with Distilled water as control. Bhooth cultivars showed a high reduction rate of germination, 17.6%. The high reduction rate of germination was 17.6%, which appeared in the Bhooth cultivar. Generally, the highest reduction of plumule and radicle lengths (21.5 and 130.9) % in which cultivars were inhibited. Furthermore, the residues of S. oleracea caused a significant reduction in root length (22.4%) and (16.7%) in root dry weights. At the same time, the results revealed a clear stimulation percent in plumule length of 40.7%, radical length of 82.9%, plumule dry weight (30.5%), and radical dry weight(20%).In the greenhouse experiment, four cultivars of wheat that were cultivated in soil incubated with S. oleracea L.(2and4%, W: W) showed the highest reduction percent on seed germination in Bhooth and Sham cultivars at 2%; the results showed that wheat cultivars treated with S. oleracea at 4% were superior in length, dry weight Ibaa 99 shoot system, leaves number compared to plant without treatment.
Keywords: Allelopathy, wheat cultivars, crops, Spinacia oleracea. Seed germination