This review provides an overview of the progress made in the field of rice genotypes and DNA markers. Rice is a crucial food source globally, and enhancing its nutritional value and resilience to stresses is of significant interest. The availability of high-quality rice genome sequences and functional genomic resources has accelerated genetic research, leading to the identification of genes that influence yield, grain quality, and stress tolerance. Rice genotypes are classified based on various factors, such as their response to salt stress, grain type, ionomic profile, arsenic accumulation, and appearance. DNA markers, including SSRs, SNPs, RAPD, RFLP, and AFLP, are used to study genetic variations and traits inheritance. DNA marker analysis has applications in studying genetic diversity, improving abiotic stress tolerance, developing salt-resistant germplasm, enhancing grain quality, developing resilient cultivars, and increasing crop yield. The review also includes case studies from Iraq, where DNA markers have been used to analyse genetic diversity and relationships among rice varieties. Overall, DNA markers play a crucial role in advancing rice research and breeding programs for improved productivity and food security.