Pulsed resonant fluorescence is used to probe ultrafast phonon-assisted exciton and biexciton preparation in individual self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots. By driving the system using large area (≥ 10π) near resonant optical pulses, we experimentally demonstrate how phonon mediated dissipation within the manifold of dressed excitonic states can be used to prepare the neutral exciton with a fidelity ≥ 70%. By comparing the phonon-assisted preparation with resonant Rabi oscillations we show that the phonon-mediated process provides the higher fidelity preparation for large pulse areas and is less sensitive to pulse area variations. Moreover, by detuning the laser with respect to the exciton transition we map out the spectral density for exciton coupling to the bulk LA-phonon continuum. Similar phonon mediated processes are shown to facilitate direct biexciton preparation via two photon biexciton absorption, with fidelities > 80%. Our results are found to be in very good quantitative agreement with simulations that model the quantum dot-phonon bath interactions with Bloch-Redfield theory.Due to their discrete electronic structure and strong interaction with light, self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) are often described as artificial atoms in the solid state. Indeed, many quantum optical experiments have recently been performed that exploit these atom-like properties; specific examples including deterministic single [11][12][13]. Moreover, in cavity QED experiments [14] remarkable effects such as photonblockade or photon-tunneling have opened the way to exploit QDs to generate novel quantum states of light [15]. In all these experiments, the solid state environment of the QDs manifests itself primarily in coupling to acoustic phonons -an effect that is unwanted since it results in decoherence of the quantum state, particular examples include incoherent population transfer between a QD and a detuned microcavity mode [16] or intra-molecular tunneling in vertically stacked QD-molecules [17,18]. Moreover, in coherent optical exciton control experiments, coupling to acoustic phonons dominates the damping of Rabi oscillations [19,20], limiting state preparation and control fidelities and the scope for possible applications. However, in other cases the coupling to acoustic phonons was exploited instead, e.g. for the high-fidelity spin initialisation by tunnel ionisation [21] or for achieving population inversion in electrically driven quantum dots [22]. Recently, Glässl et al. [23] proposed that high-fidelity preparation of excitonic states could be achieved by exploiting the coupling of the dressed excitonic states to a quasi continuum of vibrational modes. Their approach involves to combining the relative advantages of both Rabi oscillations and rapid adiabatic passage [24,25] by making use of phonon-mediated relaxation in the presence of a strong, near resonant pulsed optical field.In this paper we investigate the phonon-assisted preparation of neutral exciton (X 0 ) and biexciton (2X) states in QDs using pulsed resonant...