. W. 2007. Longterm effects of feeding diets without mineral phosphorus supplementation on the performance and phosphorus excretion in high-yielding dairy cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 639-646. The objective of this study was to assess the long-term effects of feeding a diet with no mineral phosphorus (P) supplementation on performance and P excretion in high-yielding dairy cows. In exp. 1, 24 primiparous (PP) and 40 multiparous (MP) Holstein cows were allocated to one of two treatments at calving: (1) regular corn silage and alfalfa haylage based milking cow total mixed ration (TMR; 0.42% P diet) or (2) milking cow total mixed ration (TMR) without supplemental mineral P (0.35% P diet) in a completely randomized design. The trial lasted until after two lactations were completed or the cow was culled. In exp. 2, eight MP Holstein cows (108 ± 8.0 d in milk) were used to determine P digestibility and retention in a completely randomized block design. In exp. 1, the 0.35% P diet cows had lower body weight, body condition score and milk urea nitrogen and higher faecal P than the 0.42% P cows. The dry matter intake (DMI) of PP cows on the 0.35% P diet was lower than that of PP cows on the 0.42% P diet. There was no difference in the DMI of MP cows. The P intake of 0.35% P diet PP cows was 30% lower than that of 0.42% P diet PP cows. The P intake of 0.35% P diet MP cows was 20% lower than that of 0.42% P diet MP. The digestibility coefficient of P for the 0.35% P diet was higher than that for the 0.42% P diet. These results suggest that the forages used in the present study contained adequate amounts of P to sustain milk production in high-yielding MP cows. However, for PP cows some mineral P supplementation is recommended especially during early lactation.Key words: Phosphorus, environmental pollution, intensive dairy operations Odongo, N. E., McKnight, D., KoekKoek, A., Fisher, J. W., Sharpe, P., Kebreab, E., France, J. et McBride, B. W. 2007. Effets à long terme d'une alimentation sans supplément de phosphore minéral sur la performance des vaches laitières à rendement élevé et sur leur excrétion de phosphore. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 639-646. L'étude devait évaluer les effets à long terme d'un régime non enrichi de phosphore minéral (P) sur la performance de grosses productrices de lait et sur l'excrétion de P par cellesci. Lors de la première expérience, les auteurs ont réparti entièrement au hasard 24 vaches Holstein primipares (PP) et 40 multipares (MP) entre deux traitements, au vêlage. Les traitements consistaient en 1) une ration mixte complète pour vache laitière à base d'ensilage ordinaire de maïs et de mi-fané de luzerne (TMR; régime à 0,42 % de P) ou 2) la TMR sans supplément de P minéral (régime à 0,35 % de P). L'essai a duré deux lactations ou jusqu'à la réforme de l'animal. Pour la deuxième expérience, huit vaches MP Holstein (108 ± 8,0 jours de lactation) réparties en bloc randomisé ont servi à déterminer la digestibilité et la réten-tion du P. Lors de la première expérience, les vaches recevant 0,35 % de...