The specific of water management in the urbanized ares (regulation of watercourses, discharges of municipal and industrial effluents etc.) have resulted in the transformation of the natural drainage system of the basin of Kłodnica, in which Dzierżno Duże water reservoir is located. The main goal of this study was to designate the content of total phosphorus and total nitrogen, and relations between these elements and organic matter, level of depth, aluminum and iron in the bottom sediments of the Dzierżno Duże water reservoir. Bottom sediments samplings consisted of grid measurement network planning, on which bottom sediments samples were collected. The collected samples were analyzed in laboratory in terms of content of chosen elements. Values of these elements are in range: total phosphorus 0.08÷6.02 g/kg, total nitrogen 0.15÷9.03 g/kg, organic matter 0.20÷50.90% of solid content, aluminum 0.48÷39.32 g/kg and iron 0.82÷25.42 g/kg. To improve quality of performed analysis, by using Geographic Information System the spatial distributions (the Inverse Distance Method was used) of studied elements were generated. Generated spatial distributions enabled to determine sites with highest and lowest values. Bottom sediments of Dzierżno Duże water reservoir have greater values of total phosphorus, total nitrogen and organic matter in central regions than in coastal zone. The study also included calculation of correlation between: organic matter and total nitrogen (R 2 = 0.6), total nitrogen and Fe (R 2 = 0.44), total nitrogen and Al (R 2 = 0.5), organic matter and Fe (R 2 = 0.39), organic matter and Al (R 2 = 0.55), total phosphorus and Fe (R 2 = 0.57), total phosphorus and Al (R 2 = 0.56). The presented pilot studies may provide a basis for identifying harmful human activities and planning methods of counters measures. Dzierżno Duże water reservoir, among other functions, is a spot (mainly for local residents), therefore it should be monitored constantly.Keywords: bottom sediments, spatial distribution, biogenic substances Wprowadzenie Głównymi pierwiastkami biogennymi, które w znacznej mierze przyczyniają się do zwiększenia żyzności zbiorników wodnych i szybkiego postępu eutrofizacji, są azot i fosfor. Wspomniane substancje biogenne stanowią podstawę prawidłowego egzystowania flory i fauny, jednak ich nadmierna ilość w środowisku wodnym